I'm trying to do a multi-column update, adding values from another table.  
Something like:

UPDATE t1 SET a += (SELECT a FROM t2 WHERE t1.id = t2.id),
                              b += (SELECT b FROM t2 WHERE t1.id = t2.id);

Note that both a and b are updated from the a and b of the same record.  (Or 
it's supposed to be that way, ignoring any syntax errors from above.)
Does SQLite really do two lookups?  Is there a more efficient way of doing this?



*                             *                                  *
* Marc L. Allen               *  "... so many things are         *
*                             *  possible just as long as you    *
* Outsite Networks, Inc.      *  don't know they're impossible." *
* (757) 853-3000 #215         *                                  *
*                             *                                  *
* mlal...@outsitenetworks.com *       -- The Phantom Tollbooth   *
*                             *                                  *
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