I have a virtual table implementation, that implements the
xBestIndex/xFilter funktions and I found the following problem:

This query

  SELECT * FROM vf WHERE field LIKE "F%"; 

will result in a call to xBestIndex with the following constraint

  field >= ... AND field < ...

when SQLITE calls xFilter, the right hand values are delivered
correctly with

  field >= "F" AND field < "g"  /* !! */


  PRAGMA case_sensitive_like = OFF; /* Standard */

is in effect. My xFilter implementation correctly filters records
according to the constraint given by SQLITE and returns records,
where for example field = 'eight'. ("F" <= "eight" < "g")
But obviously SQLITE does no post processing of the received records
and presents this record in the result too.

When I set the option

  idxinfo->aConstraintUsage[i].omit = 0;

in xBestIndex() SQLITE removes records where field = 'eight' from the
result. But when I set the option

  idxinfo->aConstraintUsage[i].omit = 1;

(which I want to do because of optimizing reasons) SQLITE does no
further filtering and presents the wrong records in the result.

Where is my error? xBestFilter() does not know, that currently a LIKE
expression is parsed/optimised and has therefore no chance to set omit
only in this case to 0. Setting omit in any case to 0 is currently the
only chance I can see...

The other possibility will be to set the case_sensitive_like PRAGMA to
ON, but this spoils the SQL Standard?

Am I missing something else?

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