On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 6:27 PM, Webdude <webd...@thewebdudes.com> wrote:
> I am building a file comparison tool that is free as in beer and speech.
> The program allows people to put certain things in an SQLite database file,
> then an MD5 or SHA hash is run on the resulting file for identity of the
> total package contents.
> A key part of the design requires that if another user who is using the same
> program, (and probably would have to be using the same version of the SQLite
> engine I suspect), if they put exactly the same items into their database
> and the program runs a hash on their resulting file, then both hash values
> would be the same (= both files are exactly the same).
> Does anyone know if SQLite stores additional unique internal information
> such as timestamps etc. that would affect this, and if so could these
> "additional to the data" variable features be disabled in any way?

You can't rely on two SQLite3 DBs with the same contents being equal
files.  The sequences of INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statements that created
the two files with the same contents can differ and thus result in
different b-tree layouts.

> Also, would they have to add the data in the same order etc? Or would/could
> the data be encouraged to be internally ordered the same?


> Parsing through the database item by item in some fixed pattern to try to
> determine a unique content id is not an option, the two separately produced
> files must be the exactly the same.
> In short is it possible to use or tweak SQLite so that 2 identical sets of
> data produced by 2 separate people would both file hash to the same value?

What I recommend is that you have the application (or triggers) keep a
sum (XOR) of hashes of all the rows in each table.  These running
checksums, as it were, would be updated after each

Then to check the contents of two DB files for equality quickly you'd
compare these running XORs.  You might have a single running XOR for
the whole DB.

You might want to use SHA-1 for this, or better: SHA-256.

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