On 14 Apr 2012, at 12:17pm, David Bakkom <da...@headstandsoftware.com> wrote:

> On an embedded platform, a NetBurner SB700-EX, I have SQLite 3.6.20 running
> successfully. I recently upgraded the source to 3.7.11, and I have problems.
> Source compiled just fine. I can sqlite3_open the database, but all my
> sql_prepare calls return a 14, unable to open database file! Same database,
> same vfs environment, same RAM availability.

Are you checking the result code returned by the _open() routine ?

If you _open() with the flag SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, do you get an error ?

If you open it and close it, does the _close() routine return an error ?

If you open it, and use _exec() to do something harmless like "PRAGMA encoding" 
do you get an error returned ?

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