Hello again,

Another question about max()/min() optimisation.  Is there a way I can
implement a virtual table so that max()/min() of a sorted
(incrementing) column (which could be an integer primary key in a
regular table) gets fast?

For example,

sqlite> explain query plan select max(unix_time) from vtab;
0|0|0|SEARCH TABLE vtab VIRTUAL TABLE INDEX 0: (~1 rows)

Currently, "select max(unix_time) from vtab" causes SQLite to search
through millions of rows, which may take nearly half a minute for my
table, no faster than other non-sorted columns.

I've added special treatment of this sorted "unix_time" column in
xBestIndex, so that a query like:

 select max(unix_time) from vtab where unix_time > strftime("%s", "2012-04-14");

runs fast (i.e. then my table will only look through a few rows at the end).

Perhaps what I'm asking is whether it's possible to add a special
treatment for max() and min() in a virtual table.

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