On 06-05-2012 19:34, William Parsons wrote:
> In my application, I've encountered a problem with ordering where the result 
> doesn't match what I would have expected, and would like some clarification.
> The issue is illustrated by the following:
> % sqlite3 :memory:
> SQLite version 3.7.10 2012-01-16 13:28:40
> Enter ".help" for instructions
> Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
> sqlite> create table x(a int, b int unique);
> sqlite> insert into x(a) values (1);
> sqlite> insert into x(a) values (4);
> sqlite> insert into x(a) values (3);
> sqlite> insert into x(a) values (5);
> sqlite> insert into x(b) values (6);
> sqlite> insert into x(b) values (8);
> sqlite> insert into x(b) values (7);
> sqlite> insert into x(a) values (2);
> sqlite> select * from x;
> 1|
> 4|
> 3|
> 5|
> |6
> |8
> |7
> 2|
> sqlite> select * from x order by b, a;
> 1|
> 4|
> 3|
> 5|
> 2|
> |6
> |7
> |8
> sqlite> .e
> Why aren't the numbers sorted as I would have expected?  Note that if I 
> remove 
> the unique constraint from column b it works as expected.

quote from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_by
The SQL standard's core functionality does not explicitly define a
default sort order for Nulls.

So, if it is not defined how to sort column b,
how can anyone correctly sort the column a?
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