On May 7, 2012, at 4:10 PM, Marc L. Allen wrote:

> I don't see the issue with that.  Unless you want it to fail anyhow?

Fair enough. I just didn't fully realize the dramatic implications of 'or 
replace' in conjunction with update. 

> You have a unique key.  You execute an update that sets all rows to have the 
> same unique key.  Using UPDATE OR REPLACE implies that you want SQLite to do 
> the right thing, which is end up with a single row.

I guess so… it just seems so… well… wrong for an update statement to delete 

> Do you see the 'right thing' as being different?

Hmmm… don't know… perhaps just *not to use* UPDATE OR REPLACE until one has 
fully grasped its spectacular side effects… and even then… first, do no harm...

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