That sounds like it might a corrupt index since the data doesn't show up in a 

Does your select work if you drop the index?

And have you done a "pragma integrity_check" ?

Michael D. Black

Senior Scientist

Advanced Analytics Directorate

Advanced GEOINT Solutions Operating Unit

Northrop Grumman Information Systems

From: [] on 
behalf of []
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 1:38 PM
Subject: EXT :[sqlite] Database Corruption - Table data being overwritten


I have run into a problem using SQLite in an embedded environment.

Currently using version 3.7.5.  (I know, I want to update, just have been
locked in at this version for the time being)

The power is routinely cut from the system, so I have JOURNAL_MODE =
PERSIST because there were issues with the -journal file not being
completely cleaned up with a power loss when the mode was left defaulted

Everything works fine for a while, but then something will happen that
corrupts the database.  Rows from one table seem to be overwriting valid
Rows in another table.  No UPDATEs or DELETEs are ever performed on this
database, so no data should ever be over-written.

Even more bizarre, a .dump of "table1" will show:
  INSERT INTO "table1" VALUES(28274, 6, 10308);

But this query returns nothing:
  SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE table1_id=28274;

The invalid table1 data (28274, 6, 10308) seems to be a direct copy of
valid data from table2.  The .dump of table2 has:
  INSERT INTO "table2" VALUES(28274, 6, 10308, ' 277');

"28274" doesn't even make sense as a valid table1_id (which is never
manipulated and set to auto-increment).

"SELECT * FROM sqlite_sequence WHERE name='table1'" gives:

So, "28274" is completely invalid.

What could cause such corruption?  A journal file problem?  Is there a
better option than "PERSIST" for systems that like to have the power

Thanks for any help!

Patrick Herbst.
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