I'm testing out the capabilites of fts4 virtual tables.

First question concerns the snippet() function.  Unless I'm doing something
wrong, it appears snippet() only returns one snippet of text containing the
requested string from each row in the table irrespective of how many
instances of the search string occur in that row.  Is there a way to have
snippet() return info for all instances of the requested text in a row?

The other question concerns the use of non-alphanumeric characters when
searching an fts4 table - it appears they are ignored.  For example, if I
search for the word "bug", I get 45 hits and the offsets function shows 3
as the string length.  If I then search for "/bug", I get the same number
of hits but offsets() still shows 3 as the length rather than 4.  I get the
same result if I search for "bug#".  I get the same results if I enclose
the search string in quotes.  Is it not possible to include
non-alphanumeric characters in search strings?

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