Jeff Archer <> wrote:
> I have SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG callback installed:
> sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG, cb_sqlite_config_log, /*pUserData*/NULL);
> I get the following message through the SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG callback during
> the sqlite3_step():
> errcode: SQLITE_SCHEMA  (17)
> message: statement aborts at 80: [INSERT INTO [Scans](ScanID, Timestamp,
> EndTime, Result) VALUES(NULL, @Timestamp, @Timestamp, @Result);] database
> schema has changed

My guess is that a) you have prepared your statement with sqlite3_prepare_v2 
(as opposed to sqlite3_prepare), and b) the schema did in fact change between 
the time the statement was prepared and the time it got executed. In this case, 
SQLite would internally intercept SQLITE_SCHEMA (but apparently, not before 
logging it), then finalize, re-prepare and re-execute the statement.
Igor Tandetnik

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