On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 9:54 AM, Hector Guilarte <hector...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't think it would.
> Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:sample.db",
> config.toProperties());
> is telling to open a connection to the file "sample.db" which is located in
> the same folder as the application is executing, but is going for a *file*.
> However, I'm going to check what configuration properties can be passed to
> the method to see if one says something about a socket, an inputStream or
> something like that.

SQLite works only with files, nothing else. You could have some luck
feeding other types of data to SQLite if JDBC supports notion of
SQLite's VFS (Virtual File System) or if you use some other language
that supports it (e.g. C/C++). But even then you will have really hard
time trying to feed socket or inputStream to it, because they are
stream-like and support only consecutive reading while SQLite needs
random access to the data. How e.g. you'll execute operation "read
1024 bytes at offset 10240" on a stream? The only way you can do that
is to read everything from stream and then give to SQLite what it
needs. But then you can save everything you read from stream into a
temporary file and open that temporary file in SQLite.

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