On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 03:05:39PM +0200, OBones scratched on the wall:
> Hello again.
> Does anyone have any suggestion here?

  There is a footnote in "Using SQLite" (Chapter 10: "Virtual Tables and
  Modules," p242) on this.

  The text is:

    If you do need to support your own transactions, it is important to
    keep the program flow in mind.  xBegin() will always be the first
    function called.**  Typically, there will be calls to xUpdate()
    followed by a two-step sequence of calls to xSync() and xCommit().

    ** In theory.  Currently, calls are made directly to xSync() and
       xCommit()following the call to xCreate().  It isn't clear if
       this is considered a bug or not, so this behavior may change
       in future versions of SQLite.

  "Using SQLite" was written before 3.7 was released, so this isn't a
  new thing.  Overall, I'd call this a documentation bug, as the
  behavior makes sense to me.  The system can't call xBegin() before
  xCreate(), yet creating the table is likely to be a transaction-based
  operation (just like xUpdate()).  Calling xBegin() after doesn't make
  sense either.
  I'd try to work around it in a way that will still work correctly
  if it is changed.  A simple "in transaction" flag would allow these
  calls to short-cut out.

    "Using SQLite": http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9780596521196.do


> >I'm pushing my experiment with virtual tables a bit further by
> >trying out the transaction functions.
> >As a result, I gave values for the xBegin, xSync, xCommit and
> >xRollback members of my sqlite3_module structure.
> >Then after having registered the module, I sent those two statements:
> >
> >INSERT INTO SomeTable VALUES (50);
> >
> >via appropriate calls to sqlite3_exec
> >However, this fails quite badly because the xSync function is
> >called outside any transaction that would have been started by a
> >call to xBegin.
> >Basically, xBegin is never called in my simple test, despite the
> >documentation saying that this should not happen.
> >
> >What have I done wrong here?
> >
> >Any suggestion is most welcome
> >
> >Regards
> >Olivier
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Jay A. Kreibich < J A Y  @  K R E I B I.C H >

"Intelligence is like underwear: it is important that you have it,
 but showing it to the wrong people has the tendency to make them
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