On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 01:35:23PM +0100, Simon Slavin scratched on the wall:
> On 19 Jul 2012, at 11:54am, Live Happy <livehap...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > wish one is faster to make select from table with 20 column and  alot of
> > records or to divide  data in more than table and made join select
> Single table with 20 columns.  Unless your data is very unusual.

  However, insert/updates/deletes are likely to be faster on the
  smaller tables.

  Worry about design first, then optimize for speed.  "Normalize 'till
  it hurts, denormalize until it works."


Jay A. Kreibich < J A Y  @  K R E I B I.C H >

"Intelligence is like underwear: it is important that you have it,
 but showing it to the wrong people has the tendency to make them
 feel uncomfortable." -- Angela Johnson
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