On 19 Jul 2012, at 5:46pm, Rick Maddy <rma...@gmail.com> wrote:

> With regard to memory issues, I don't see how this could be the case. One of 
> the places the app crashes (on rare occasions) is:
>    sqlite3_stmt *load = nil;
>    sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbRef, "SELECT some_column FROM some_table WHERE 
> some_id = ? ORDER BY display_order", -1, &load, nil);
> How can memory issues creep into such a simple bit of code? Or could it be 
> that the dbRef somehow became corrupted?

It is indeed the dbRef that I'm suspicious of.

> And come to think of it, how is checking the return value of the prepare 
> statement going to help if the prepare statement crashes before returning?

You need to do the checking on /every/ use of the API which returns a result 
code.  Including the one that opens the database in the first place.  I think 
it's one of the statements you execute /before/ the sqlite3_prepare_v2() that's 
going wrong.

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