As you don't have stmt defined anywhere this is apparently not the
actual program you run. Seeing the full source code would be more
helpful. If the whole source is too big try to reduce it to small
program reproducing the problem. It's possible that while attempting
to reduce program source you'll find the culprit by yourself.

My bet would be you have some multi-threading issues.


On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 2:54 PM, Arbol One <> wrote:
> Using SQLite version 3.7.8 amalgamation, under Win7 with MinGW, I compile
> the bellow program, but for some strange reason I am getting a runtime error
> when creating the table. I hope that one of you would be able to tell me
> what I am doing wrong.
> ===
> class mySQLite3Class {
> private:
>     //SQLite3
>     sqlite3* db; //SQLite3
>     Glib::ustring dbName; // Database name
>     Glib::ustring apstr; // All Purpose String
>     Glib::ustring sql_param_tblName; // Databese table Name parameters
>     Glib::ustring stmtName;          // SQL statement name
> public:
>     void createDB();
>     void create_tblName();
>     mySQLite3Class(const Glib::ustring& s){ createDatabase(s);}
> };
> void mySQLite3Class::createDatabase(const Glib::ustring& s) {
>     rc = sqlite3_open_v2(s.c_str(),
>                          &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE,
>                          NULL);
>     if(rc != SQLITE_OK) {
>         std::cout << rc << std::endl;
>     }
> }
> void mySQLite3Class::createTable(const Glib::ustring& s){
>      rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, s.c_str(), s.length(), &stmt, NULL );
>     if(rc != SQLITE_OK) {
>        std::cout << rc << std::endl;// error = 1
>        std::cout << sqlite3_errmsg(db)
>                        << std::endl; // er-msg = library routine called out
> of sequence
>     }
>     rc = sqlite3_step(stmt);
>     if(rc != SQLITE_DONE) {
>         std::cout << rc << stdl;
>     }
>     sqlite3_finalize(stmt);
> }
> myClass{
> private:
> mySQLite3Class* myDB;
> Glib::ustring sql_param_tblName;
> Glib::ustring dbName;
> public:
> myClass();
> }
> myClass::myClass(){
>     dbName = "001Database.sql";
>     sql_param_tblName = "CREATE TABLE name(n_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, title
> TEXT, fname TEXT, mname TEXT, lname TEXT)";
>     myDB = new mySQLite3Class(dbName);
>     myDB->createTable(sql_param_tblName); ==> // problem
> }
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