On 24 Jul 2012, at 2:29pm, "Steven E. Harris" <s...@panix.com> wrote:

> A (too) literal reading of this would suggest that the index is the
> key-encoded concatenation of -- to use the example from that first Wiki
> page -- four values for columns a, b, c, and d. However, if one were to
> query for c and d while only constraining a and b, then the values for
> columns c and d would need to be extracted from the encoded key.
> If, as you say, SQLite cannot (or will not) extract values from an
> encoded key, then does the covering index really just encode column
> values a and b as the key, and store values for c and d in a record
> corresponding to the key?

The encoding function may be a trapdoor function.  For instance, consider 
COLLATE NOCASE in SQLite3.  In this, the case of the text is ignored, allowing 
the sequence 'xxx','YY','z' to be considered as ordered.  So the value stored 
in the key does not need to have all the detail of the original field: it might 
lose the case of text, or any accents over letters, or some other detail not 
needed for that particular type of collation.  And therefore it may be 
impossible to work backwards from the key values to the values stored in the 

I have an application in which I define a 'DISTANCE' collation, which simply 
drops the sign of the numeric field, since for the purposes of a search I care 
only about how far apart two things are, not which one is to the west of the 
other.  In this case it's impossible to work backwards from the value stored in 
the index and figure out whether the value stored is negative or positive.

I don't know whether SQLite4 actually does work like that.

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