
I have a weird problem.

I am working on a shared library, written using C and a GUI application
written on C++. GUI application uses the shared library. This shared
library uses SQLite amalgamation and links statically. GUI also uses SQLite
for some configuration purpose. It is also statically linked. Both of them
uses latest SQLite version.

My shared library uses FTS4. I have enabled FTS4 by providing the compile
time options while compiling the shared library. All works well with the
shared library. All my tests in the shared library codebase is passing.
Problem happens when I start using this in the GUI program. I am getting
error like, "Unknown module FTS4". This is weird because I have it linked
statically in my shared library and all this GUI program does is to
dynamically link to my library. When I set the FTS compilation options to
the GUI program, error goes away and all works well.

I am not sure why this is happening. Any help would be great!

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