On 08/31/2012 12:42 PM, Daniel Dawson wrote:
Hey Guys,

I am calling sqlite3_step and checking the return value,

Usually I get an SQLITE_DONE, or an SQLITE_BUSY which I handle.

However, sometimes I get an SQLITE_MISUSE return code. If I call sqlite3_errmsg straight 
after receiving the code then I get "Database is Locked" - The documentation 
states that SQLITE_MISUSE only occurs if I call the library routines incorrectly.

I don't understand why this would happen occasionally. I am not using any 
custom compiler options, everything is just set up by default.

Any help on the matter would be great, thanks.

There's a good chance there is something wrong with the sqlite3_stmt*
value passed to sqlite3_step(). Maybe it is NULL, invalid or points
to a statement object that has been finalized.
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