Hi Kjell,

On 31/8/2012 8:28 PM, kjell.gunnars...@sungard.com wrote:

Does somebody know if it's possible to set an initial database size when the 
database is created ?.
(A large file doesn't have to be incremented in size when records are inserted).

I have never seen any thing that suggests that this can be done by design - generally, the database grows as we go along. In practice, you could emulate this by creating your base schema, then creating a temporary table with some schema and inserting 10s of millions of records into it so that the database size grows. Once it's got to a level that makes you happy, you can drop the table. SQLite does not reduce the database size by itself till you do a "VACUUM;" - so, that initial size will be maintained and the previously allocated pages will be reused as you insert your live data.

Out of curiosity, what's the use case?

Best Regards,
1/9/2012 | 10:08 PM.

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