> >
> > Does System.Data.SQLite support Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate RTM?
> >
> Not yet. It might or might not be in the future. See:
> https://system.data.sqlite.org/index.html/doc/trunk/www/faq.wiki#q2

I saw this in the FAQ, however it says nothing specific about support for VS 
2012, or designer support for VS 2012, hence my query.

> >
> > It was available in the 1.0.66 version - that version also had an
> > install.exe file in the bin\Designer directory that would
> > re-install the VS support, if needed.
> >
> No, it was not. That version did not even support Visual Studio 2010.

Um, I'm sorry, that is not consistent with...our experience. My teammates and I 
have been running 1.0.66 with full designer support in VS 2010 for well over 
the past two years, that is, as long as VS 2010 has been out! It may be the 
case that this is not an "officially supported" configuration for 1.0.66, but 
that didn't prevent it from working just fine in VS 2010, all the way up 
through today. The reason I know about the install.exe file in the bin\Designer 
directory is because we would have to use it occasionally when a "patch 
Tuesday" update would temporarily make the designer support "disappear" from VS 
2010 (it just happened with the last patch Tuesday), running this file put the 
support back, without having to reinstall SQLite or VS 2010...

> >
> > I found a similar "installer.exe" in 1.0.82's bin directory, but
> > it is different in that it doesn't try to reinstall the VS support
> > when you run it.
> >
> The new "installer.exe" was written from the ground up. None of the
> original code was reused. It works entirely differently now. Also,
> running it directly is not recommended, not to mention unsupported,
> because it has a very complex set of command line options needed
> to use it correctly.

Yes I discovered that prior to posting here, I had tried debugging it as it was 
running (BREAK=1, attach), but I have no experience with Visual Studio 
extensions, nor how to interface designers with the Visual Studio shell, so I 
quickly realized I have no idea what is "right" vs. what is "wrong" when I was 
stepping through the code.

I have found this: 
 someone seems to have worked out a way to make the 1.0.66 designer support 
continue to work for VS 2012 (apparently, there is something different that 
prevents this from "just working" like it did from VS 2008 to VS 2010), but I 
don't feel comfortable with the author's solution, as it is an opaque binary 
that I have no real idea what it is doing. I'd also rather be at a more current 
version of SQLite. If I knew support for VS 2012 was coming sometime in the 
near future, that would help me decide whether to move to the latest (broken) 
release with VS 2012, or stick with 1.0.66 without a designer until such time 
as support can be added, neither situation is ideal, but I need to decide on 
one path or the other, quickly.
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