Pavel Ivanov <> wrote:
> There's another way how it could make sense - if you read that excerpt
> in context. ;-) The "statement-level read consistency" definition
> cited by Petite is the transaction isolation level. I.e. it defines
> what each statement executed in one transaction can see related to the
> changes done in another transaction.

Well, in this case, if you only ever execute one statement per transaction in 
SQLite, then it does support "statement-level read consistency." Though I fail 
to see how it materially differs from "serializable". Am I missing something 

> This isolation level doesn't
> define visibility of changes done in the same transaction. These
> visibility rules are defined in different place in the documentation
> and don't depend on transaction isolation level.
> So returning to my example "statement-level read consistency" means
> that cursor can see myfield=2 if update is done in another transaction
> before cursor is opened but after begin is executed.

Wait a minute. If "statement-level read consistency" only applies to two 
queries in different transactions, what bearing, if any, does it have on your 
example of "open, fetch, update, fetch"? There, everything happens in the same 
transaction. I'm thoroughly confused.
Igor Tandetnik

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