Hello again,
Attached is a test application which replicates the problem.

I expected the transactions to block each other exactly like they do in the beginning (one connection successfully begins and the other receives SQLITE_BUSY), but I didn't expect the blocked connection to never get unlocked in the end. What's holding the lock on the database so that the "begin" can't proceed?

Sample console output:

sqlite3_libversion: 3.7.13
sqlite3_sourceid: 2012-06-11 02:05:22 f5b5a13f7394dc143aa136f1d4faba6839eaa6dc
sqlite3_libversion_number: 3007013
sqlite3_threadsafe: 1
Creating thread 0
Creating thread 1

conn addr    status        query
---------    ------        -----
0x6a6278    Success        PRAGMA journal_mode=wal;
0x6a6278    Success        BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION;
0x6a6278 Success INSERT INTO test_table_1 (test1, test2) VALUES ( 1, 2);
0x6a6278    Success        COMMIT;
0x6a6278    Success        BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION;
0x6a6278 Success INSERT INTO test_table_1 (test1, test2) VALUES ( 1, 2);
0x6a6278    Success        COMMIT;
0x6a6278    Success        BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION;
0x6a6278 Success INSERT INTO test_table_1 (test1, test2) VALUES ( 1, 2);
0x6bd678    Success        PRAGMA journal_mode=wal;
0x6bd678    Failed        BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION; (return code: 5)
0x6a6278    Success        COMMIT;
0x6a6278    Success        BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION;
0x6a6278 Success INSERT INTO test_table_1 (test1, test2) VALUES ( 1, 2);
0x6a6278    Success        COMMIT;
0x6a6278    Success        BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION;
0x6a6278 Success INSERT INTO test_table_1 (test1, test2) VALUES ( 1, 2);
0x6a6278    Success        COMMIT;
0x6a6278    Success        BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION;
0x6a6278 Success INSERT INTO test_table_1 (test1, test2) VALUES ( 1, 2);
0x6a6278    Success        COMMIT;
0x6a6278    Success        BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION;
0x6a6278 Success INSERT INTO test_table_1 (test1, test2) VALUES ( 1, 2);
0x6a6278    Success        COMMIT;
0x6a6278    Success        BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION;
0x6a6278 Success INSERT INTO test_table_1 (test1, test2) VALUES ( 1, 2);
0x6a6278    Success        COMMIT;
0x6a6278    Success        BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION;
0x6a6278 Success INSERT INTO test_table_1 (test1, test2) VALUES ( 1, 2);
0x6a6278    Success        COMMIT;
0x6a6278    Success        BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION;
0x6a6278 Success INSERT INTO test_table_1 (test1, test2) VALUES ( 1, 2);
0x6a6278    Success        COMMIT;
0x6bd678    Failed        BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION; (return code: 5)
0x6bd678    Failed        BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION; (return code: 5)
(... And so on)

Thank you in advance,
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <pthread.h>

#include "sqlite3.h"

#define DATABASE_PATH "/tmp/test.db"
#define THREAD_COUNT    2

struct thread_data
        int     thread_id;

struct thread_data thread_data_array[THREAD_COUNT];

void execSQL(sqlite3* db, std::string query){
        bool keep_trying = true;
                char* szError=0;
                int return_code = sqlite3_exec(db, query.c_str(), 0, 0, 
                if(return_code == SQLITE_OK){
                        keep_trying = false;
                        std::cerr<<db<<"\tFailed\t\t"<<query<<" (return code: 

void processSQLtest(sqlite3* db, int somedata){

        std::stringstream ssInfo;

        ssInfo<<" SELECT test_table_2.test1, test_table_2.test2";
        ssInfo<<" FROM test_table_2, test_table_3 ";
        ssInfo<<" WHERE test_table_2.test1 = test_table_3.test1";
        ssInfo<<" AND test_table_3.test2 = "<<somedata;
        ssInfo<<" LIMIT 1";

        const char* szTail=0;
        sqlite3_stmt* pVM;

        int nRet = sqlite3_prepare(db, ssInfo.str().c_str(), -1, &pVM, &szTail);

        if (nRet != SQLITE_OK)
//      std::cout<<db<<" Prepared: "<<ssInfo.str()<<std::endl;

        nRet = sqlite3_step(pVM);

        if (nRet == SQLITE_DONE)
                // no rows
        else if (nRet == SQLITE_ROW)
                // at least 1 row

                //insert some data
                for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
                        execSQL(db, "BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION;");
                        execSQL(db, "INSERT INTO test_table_1 (test1, test2) 
VALUES ( 1, 2);");
                        execSQL(db, "COMMIT;");
                nRet = sqlite3_finalize(pVM);

void *dbThread(void *threadarg)
        struct thread_data *my_data;

        my_data = (struct thread_data *) threadarg;

        sqlite3* db;
        int nRet = sqlite3_open(DATABASE_PATH, &db);
        if (nRet != SQLITE_OK)
                //const char* szError = sqlite3_errmsg(db);

                execSQL(db, "PRAGMA journal_mode=wal;");

                //fake a thread processing loop using the opened database 
                bool sql_processed = false;
                                processSQLtest(db, my_data->thread_id+1);
                                sql_processed = true;

                //Close the db if the processing loop is done (which won't 
happen in this example)

        std::cout<<"Thread "<<my_data->thread_id<<" exiting"<<std::endl;
        return NULL;

void recreateDB(){
        sqlite3* temp_db;
        int nRet = sqlite3_open(DATABASE_PATH, &temp_db);

        if (nRet != SQLITE_OK)
                std::cout<<"Unable to open database"<<std::endl;

        sqlite3_busy_timeout(temp_db, 10000);
        std::string CreateTables;

        CreateTables.append("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_table_1;");
        CreateTables.append("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_table_2;");
        CreateTables.append("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_table_3;");

        CreateTables.append(" CREATE TABLE test_table_1 (");
        CreateTables.append(" test1 INT NOT NULL, ");
        CreateTables.append(" test2 INT NOT NULL ");
        CreateTables.append(" );");

        CreateTables.append(" CREATE TABLE test_table_2 (");
        CreateTables.append(" test1 INT NOT NULL, ");
        CreateTables.append(" test2 INT NOT NULL ");
        CreateTables.append(" );");

        CreateTables.append(" CREATE TABLE test_table_3 (");
        CreateTables.append(" test1 INT NOT NULL, ");
        CreateTables.append(" test2 INT NOT NULL ");

        char* szError=0;

        sqlite3_exec(temp_db, CreateTables.c_str(), 0, 0, &szError);

        sqlite3_exec(temp_db, "INSERT INTO test_table_2 VALUES(1, 1);", 0, 0, 
        sqlite3_exec(temp_db, "INSERT INTO test_table_2 VALUES(2, 2);", 0, 0, 
        sqlite3_exec(temp_db, "INSERT INTO test_table_2 VALUES(3, 3);", 0, 0, 

        sqlite3_exec(temp_db, "INSERT INTO test_table_3 VALUES(1, 1);", 0, 0, 
        sqlite3_exec(temp_db, "INSERT INTO test_table_3 VALUES(1, 2);", 0, 0, 
        sqlite3_exec(temp_db, "INSERT INTO test_table_3 VALUES(1, 3);", 0, 0, 


int main(int argc, char*argv[]){

        std::cout<<"sqlite3_libversion: "<<sqlite3_libversion()<<std::endl;
        std::cout<<"sqlite3_sourceid: "<<sqlite3_sourceid()<<std::endl;
        std::cout<<"sqlite3_threadsafe: "<<sqlite3_threadsafe()<<std::endl;


        pthread_t threads[THREAD_COUNT];

        int rc;
        unsigned int t;

        pthread_attr_t attr;
        pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE);

        for(t=0;t<THREAD_COUNT;t++) {
                thread_data_array[t].thread_id = t;
                std::cout<<"Creating thread "<<t<<std::endl;
                rc = pthread_create(&threads[t], &attr, dbThread, (void 
                if (rc) {
                        std::cout<<"ERROR; return code from pthread_create() is 

        std::cout<<"\nconn addr\tstatus\t\tquery"<<std::endl;


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