char bh1[320];
strcpy(bh1,"sqlite3 -html -header t9_engine.db \"select 
id,partnumber,substr(\'<img src=\"\'||pic||\'\" height=220/>\',1,180) as 
img,pcs from engine where id>7;\" >> n.html");
system(bh1);                          //here couldn't work

sqlite3 -html -header t9_engine.db "select id,partnumber,substr('<img src="'||pi
c||'" height=220/>',1,180) as img,pcs from engine where id>7;" >> n.htmlError: n
ear "'<img src='": syntax error
'pic' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
The system cannot find the path specified.

char bh1[320];
strcpy(bh1,"sqlite3 -html -header t9_engine.db \"select 
id,partnumber,substr(\'<img src=\"\'||pic||\'\" height=220/>\',1,180) as 
img,pcs from engine where id>7;\" >> n.html");
strcpy(bh1,"sqlite3 -html -header t9_engine.db \"select id,partnumber,'<img 
src='||pic||' height=220/>' as img,pcs from engine where id>7;\" >> n.html");
system(bh1);                          //here could work
the result is:
<TD>AA34841687 000 INSONO-SOUS-MOTEUR--</TD>
<TD>&lt;img src=C:\t9\images\INSONO-SOUS-MOTEUR.jpg height=220/&gt;</TD>   
//here I wanna add " char between  'C:\t9\images\INSONO-SOUS-MOTEUR.jpg'  

and the best way is change 
&lt;    to      <
&gt;    to      >

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