Thank you Simon. Your solution would work for the example i gave. Nevertheless my problem is still more complex because i also use SQLite as a generic streaming engine (yes i know, SQLite wasn't designed for doing things like that).

Appart from input VTs (FILE) we also have output VTs like so [*]:

OUTPUT '' select upper(c1), c2, lower(c3) from
select * from file('')
union all
select * from file('')
where c2!=c4;

Internally this is implemented as a VT (OUTPUT) that takes as input a query and sends its results to another SQLite. The beauty of the concept is that a streaming query flow can go from machine to machine and still the transactional properties hold. If anything happens anywhere in the query's path, all of the machines will rollback due to the transactional properties of SQLite.

In addition to above we are developing a parallel processing engine (like Hadoop) where we use SQLite "chunks" for processing and data storage. So tables are split (or collected) into multiple SQLite DBs and transferred to multiple machines, where the queries will be executed in parallel [**].

For above we heavilly use UNION ALLs over the attached DBs to scan over the many chunks of a table.

A UNION ALL that unnecessarily buffers to the disk its inputs (for a single scan over them), is very nasty, performance wise, to all of the above machinations.

I can guess that changing UNION ALL processing for single scans, isn't so easy, nevertheless it would be nice if the /var/tmp buffering directory could be at least changed.


[*] In practise we pipe to named pipes that point to other machines.

[**] Other projects based on the same idea are:

and the company that sprang from above:

On 27/10/2012 3:05 πμ, Simon Slavin wrote:

Does this work instead ?

CREATE TABLE t ([[whatever columns you want]]);
INSERT INTO t SELECT upper(c1),c2,lower(c3) FROM 
file('') WHERE c2!=c4;
INSERT INTO t SELECT upper(c1),c2,lower(c3) FROM 
file('') WHERE c2!=c4;

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