On 4 Nov 2012, at 5:26pm, "Dominguez Bonini, David" <david.doming...@ikusi.com> 

> I have an application where a table is filled with elements whose primary key 
> is specified at insertion, and is actually a combination of several 
> independent IDs. Example:  ItemID = (id0 << 32) + (id1 << 16) + (id2).
> The range covered by each ID guarantees that their sum will never exceed the 
> 64 bit maximum size of an sqlite primary key. The advantage of this approach 
> is that a function performing a SELECT statement can pre-compute the id that 
> needs to be retrieved from the database. This is what I call a sparse table, 
> meaning that the table will never have more than X items, but the primary key 
> range is actually much bigger than X. Sorry if my definitions are not 
> standard, SQL is not my native language :)

You have invented a 'hashing function' which is the normal term used for that 
kind of calculation.  If this renders unique ItemIDs for you, and you can 
easily calculate the hash for any item, then it's probably not slowing you down 

> This scheme is used because IDs are usually inserted all at once in a single 
> batch, and then they have to be regularly updated over a very long time. So, 
> there are relatively few INSERTS and a LOT of UPDATES and SELECTS.
> I'm wondering if the advantage in search speed obtained by this ID assignment 
> scheme may somehow be offset by other factors like additional memory usage, 
> less efficient inserts, etc. Can anyone offer counterarguments, or recommend 
> a better scheme?

There are so many considerations involved in this, including your file system, 
the amount of memory you have spare, your OS, and the total width of your 
table, that we couldn't guess the result.  Your only way to find out is to do 
the actual test.  However, I suspect that any speed gain or loss involved in a 
scheme like this would be trivial when measured against the overall performance 
of your software.  SQLite is itself extremely fast even if you just store your 
data without any special processing.  You can probably get better return on 
your time by spending it thinking about a better user-interface, or some other 
element of your application.

If, on the other hand, you have tested and found that your application is just 
a tiny bit too slow to be usable, and that profiling is showing that most of 
the time is spend inside SQLite functions, that's a different matter.

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