On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 6:01 PM, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:
>  It's also worth knowing about
> which is similarly not MERGE, but has more MERGE-like behaviour.  Though what 
> it does I had to figure out myself since the documentation on the 'UPDATE' 
> page doesn't describe it.

>From what I've seen UPDATE OR REPLACE will *delete* existing records
if a PK or unique constraint is violated:

insert into master values (1, '1');
insert into master values (2, '2');
insert into detail values (1, 1, '1');
insert into detail values (2, 2, '2');

update or replace master set id = 1, descr = 'a' where id = 2

select * from master;
1       'a'

select * from detail;
2       1       '2'

In this case detail record 1 - 1 - '1' seems to have been
cascade-deleted and 2 - 2 - '2' cascade-updated.

Still nothing to do with MERGE behaviour IMHO. There doesn't seem to
be a way to perform "UPSERT"s in SQLite. An UPSERT modifies an
existing record or inserts one if a matching one is not found. It
never deletes one.
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