On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 02:57:30PM +0000, Simon Slavin scratched on the wall:
> Need someone more familiar with the design philosophy and source code than I 
> am (which is not at all).
> <http://www.sqlite.org/foreignkeys.html#fk_indexes>
> Says you need an index for anything which acts as a parent.  I can
> understand why under normal circumstances (large table) this would
> be desirable.  But is there anything which would /require/ it ? 

  It isn't just an index, it is a UNIQUE index.  Parent columns must be
  unique, so a UNIQUE constraint (and the implicit index that comes with
  it) or an explicit UNIQUE index is required to enforce the uniqueness
  of the parent columns.
  Yes, it also happens to help with performance, but the primary
  motivation is to make sure FK references are unique.
> I'm asking this because I'm in a situation where someone may make a
> daughter table with a foreign key relationship and the code will not
> know whether the appropriate index already exists.  Either I can try
> to parse various pieces of information to figure it out, or I can
> have a rule that a new index is always created, and accept that this
> index may sometimes be a duplicate of one which already exists.

  In theory, if the database is designed correctly, an FK will never
  reference something that doesn't already have a UNIQUE constraint on
  it.  One might argue that if you're trying to setup an FK that
  references a column or set of columns that does not have a UNIQUE
  constraint, either the FK is broken or the parent table is broken.

  ...which is not to say a general purpose tool still needs to deal
  with this, as there are plenty of broken database designs out there.


Jay A. Kreibich < J A Y  @  K R E I B I.C H >

"Intelligence is like underwear: it is important that you have it,
 but showing it to the wrong people has the tendency to make them
 feel uncomfortable." -- Angela Johnson
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