On 11/30/12 8:34 AM, "Simon Slavin" <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:

>On 30 Nov 2012, at 3:50pm, Staffan Tylen <staffan.ty...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm looking for both administrative and technical advice on the pros and
>> cons of either creating one single database table with many columns or
>> creating multiple tables with fewer but related columns to be JOINed
>> needed. Assume that the data is all related 1-to-1, like name, home
>> address, primary phone, shoe size, favourite politician (NULL
>> etc. At a first glance it seems logical to select a single table as it
>> simplifies access to the data but there may be good reasons that I'm not
>> aware of to split the data over multiple tables. I have only limited
>> experience of SQL so any guidelines are appreciated. Thanks in advance.
>Apart from that, SQLite is pretty efficient at 'wide' tables as long as
>you keep the column count below 30 or so.  There's really not that much
>to worry about and no need to do JOIN in cases where you have a 1-to-1

I use SQLite as a data store for a simulation model.  I have a number of
different kinds of simulation entity, and then many results that are
computed during simulation.  These results are often 1-to-1 with a given
kind of entity, but in practice I create one table for the entity
definitions, and separate tables for each kind of result.  This allows a
nice separation of concerns: I never need to puzzle over where a
particular column's value comes from.  It's either a scenario input, or
from the particular model with which the table is associated.

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