I have found that when using SQLite under Windows if you execute an update statement and then a select statement, the database is locked until the select statement is finished. How can I stop this from happening?

Here is a simple test program that simulates this situation. If you run the program you will get the message "Update executed without problems". Without closing this message you run the program again you will get "Table is locked??".

void DisplayMessage(_TCHAR* message)
  MessageBox(NULL, message, "Test Lock", 0);

void Check(int status, char* message)
  if (status != 0 && status != SQLITE_ROW && status != SQLITE_DONE)
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
  sqlite3* connection;
bool needCreate = sqlite3_open_v2("test.sqlite", &connection, SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE, NULL) != SQLITE_OK; if (!needCreate || sqlite3_open_v2("test.sqlite", &connection, SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE, NULL) == SQLITE_OK)
    if (needCreate)
Check(sqlite3_exec(connection, "CREATE TABLE TESTFILE (id LONG, data CHAR(30))", NULL, NULL, NULL), "Create Table"); Check(sqlite3_exec(connection, "CREATE TABLE TESTFILE2 (id LONG, data CHAR(30))", NULL, NULL, NULL), "Create Table 2"); Check(sqlite3_exec(connection, "INSERT INTO TESTFILE VALUES (1, 'A')", NULL, NULL, NULL), "Insert 1"); Check(sqlite3_exec(connection, "INSERT INTO TESTFILE VALUES (2, 'B')", NULL, NULL, NULL), "Insert 2"); Check(sqlite3_exec(connection, "INSERT INTO TESTFILE2 VALUES (1, 'A')", NULL, NULL, NULL), "Insert 1"); Check(sqlite3_exec(connection, "INSERT INTO TESTFILE2 VALUES (2, 'B')", NULL, NULL, NULL), "Insert 2");
    sqlite3_stmt* statement1;
Check(sqlite3_prepare_v2(connection, "UPDATE TESTFILE SET data='A' WHERE id=1", -1, &statement1, NULL), "Update");
    int status = sqlite3_step(statement1);
    sqlite3_stmt* statement2;
Check(sqlite3_prepare_v2(connection, "SELECT ID,data FROM TESTFILE2", -1, &statement2, NULL), "SELECT");
    Check(sqlite3_step(statement2), "stepping Select");
    if (status == SQLITE_DONE)
DisplayMessage("Update executed without problems"); // This simulates a select statement that takes a long time to execute
    else if (status == SQLITE_BUSY)
      DisplayMessage("Table is locked??");
      DisplayMessage("There was a problem");
  return 0;

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