
On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 9:39 AM, Simon Slavin <> wrote:
> On 3 Dec 2012, at 5:38pm, Igor Korot <> wrote:
>> Simon,
>> Yes, thank you.
> Great.
>> ALL,
>> After recreating the table this way I had to restart sqlite console as 
>> otherwise
>> all queries to the table were dead.
>> Is this normal?
> Hmm.  No, if you're using the standard sqlite3 shell tool you should be able 
> to do .read and then carry on with the new data you read in.

Yes, using standard sqlite3 shell from command prompt in Windows 7 64-bit.
After .dump/.read no queries to the table in question produced output.

When restarted the shell everything worked.

SQLite version 3.7.14 2012-09-03 15:42:36
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"

Thank you.

> Simon.
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