> But do you really do things like run a search on "invoices made ​​on a Monday 
> in February" ?  

Yes. For example, in a store, it is useful to have sales statistics by day of 
the week, or by time slot, etc..

> Most of the time I store a date I'm storing it for three purposes:
> A) to print it back out again
> B) to sort by date
> C) to search for rows within a particular date range
> You almost never need to do things like subtract one date from another.  
> Given the above, most of my systems store dates as strings in this format 
> "YYYYMMDD".  This gives me superfast (B) and (C ).  If I want to print the 
> date out it doesn't matter if I process slowly because the printer is even 
> slower, so I convert from that format.
> In those rare cases where I am going to want to do maths on a date (e.g. 
> subtract one date from another) I store dates in a numeric format (julianday 
> or unixepoch) and when I do this I often store a text version of the date 
> too, because it makes debugging so much easier.

ok, thank you Simon.


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