Igor Korot <ikoro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have:
> CREATE TABLE test( id integere primary key, name varchar(70));
> INSERT INTO test( NULL, "abc def" );
> INSERT INTO test( NULL, "def abc" );
> Can I prevent the second insertion with the trigger?
> Or I should make some app logic to prevent that?

Preventing insertion (with a trigger, or by other means) is easy. The hard part 
is figuring out that 'def abc' is in fact a "duplicate" of 'abc def'; I assume 
that you want something general like "two strings consist of the same set of 
words, regardless of order". I can't think of any way to express such a 
condition in pure SQL and built-in functions - you would need a custom function 
or a custom collation:


If you go the collation route, then you wouldn't need a trigger - just create a 
unique index with this collation:

create unique index MyIndex on test(name collate MyCustomCollation);

If the actual condition you want to enforce is simpler than the one I assumed, 
then there might be ways that don't require custom coding. For example, if the 
values in test.name are always presumed to consist of two words separated by a 
space, then you can do something like this:

create trigger EnforceUnique before insert on test
  select raise(fail) from test
  where name in (new.name,
    substr(new.name, instr(new.name, ' ') + 1) || ' ' || substr(new.name, 1, 
instr(new.name, ' ') - 1));

Though in this case, I'd personally have two separate columns instead, say 
firstName and lastName.
Igor Tandetnik

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