Hi All,

I mapped a Sqlite INTEGER field to a C# Nullable<long> property in EF 5.0.

When the field is NULL, Visual Studio throws exception with following info:


                Message "Specified cast is not valid."  string
                Source  "System.Data.SQLite"    string
                StackTrace      "   at 
System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataReader.VerifyType(Int32 i, DbType typ)\r\n   at    
System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataReader.GetInt64(Int32 i)"  string
                TargetSite      {System.Data.SQLite.TypeAffinity 
VerifyType(Int32, System.Data.DbType)} System.Reflection.MethodBase             

However, Visual Studio designer shows the Null field correctly as 0.
I am using Sqlite 1.0.83, not the final downloadable version. But a version I 
checked out and built myself recently.

Could it be a bug in Sqlite data provider?


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