On 10 Jan 2013, at 3:13pm, Michael Schlenker <m...@contact.de> wrote:

> So this is a sure way to corrupt the database if the shm code gets an
> outdated but not corrupted copy of the -shm file from the OS/filesystem
> and additional writes are done.
> Ok, so it seems i should implement some really strict asserts/checks so
> customers do not even try to put those files up on NFS, and just have
> some pretty error blow up in their face if they try on startup.

I've run into this problem when a customer moved a system which had been 
working perfectly from a local hard disk to a Windows share using SMB or CIFS 
or something like it.  They already knew they shouldn't do this because my 
company charged a lot more for a network-compatible version of the system than 
a single-user version.  But until they tried it they thought we were simply 
trying to get more money out of them and didn't expect their data to be 
corrupted through the complicated problems to do with networking.  So 
fortunately I was able to tell them that they'd violated our license agreement 
and were suffering the consequences.

However, after the incident I looked into ways of checking that the file was 
being accessed locally rather than on a network share and totally failed.  
There didn't seem to be any way of doing this under Windows which worked all 
the time.  I ended up putting a check in to see that the full path of the 
database file started with "C:", as being the only way I could get even close 
to a proper check, and it's possible to fool even that.

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