The real answer is try both and see which is faster.

My guess is #1 is probably faster since I don't think there's an easy way to
limit the left-hand side of a left-join operation to do #2 without touching
all the music_file records, is there?  The join would have to match on
file_id so would hit the entire music_files against .  I'm sure somebody
will correct me if I'm wrong here...I'm not confident that the join isn't
smarter than that.

Is the join done BEFORE the order by and limit?  Or after?  I would think
it's done before.  Or will the order by and limit apply to the left-hand
side first before the join when it can?

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of moti lahiani
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 8:45 AM
Subject: [sqlite] faster query - help


I have a data base with the following tables
1) files - each file in the system have his information in this table. that
table include 12 different columns like file_id as integer primary key
autoincrement, date_uploaded as integer, file_type as integer and so..
2) music_files - hold more information on file in case the file is music
file. columns like file_id as integer, artist, genre, album_name and more

I need to query those 2 tables (with both all information) according to
some filters/rule that I have, order the results according to date_uploaded
and return the top(10) as final result

my question is what is faster and have the best performance: (the table
files can have more than 1500000 rows)

option 1: select the file_id and date_uploaded, order by date_uploaded and
get the top(10) file_id and than select all information from both(files and
music_files) tables according to those top(10) results
option 2: select all information from both(files+music files) tables, order
by date_uploaded and return the top(10) as results

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