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On 24/01/13 17:37, abbood wrote:
> Btw I'm curious how did you find out about this auto release thing? Can
> you add more detail about that?

I used a debugger to set a breakpoint in malloc_error_debug as the message
says.  That gave a stack trace of an autorelease pool being drained.

Since most frees happen in the autorelease pool drain it doesn't
particularly help with telling you which item is the problem.  I asked on
the valgrind list and got a way of keeping the allocation stack trace
instead of the free one.  (The next valgrind release will allow you to
print both.)


The cause of that original issue in my code was NSInvocation and dealing
with returned objects.  The cause of the most recent issue was because
NSData was owning a buffer passed to it that I didn't want it to.

> Ie I put a break point in malloc_error_break.. But then I just jump to
> the internals of sqlite.. And basically within the salite internals
> it's freeing an operation that doesn't exist..

Using valgrind will narrow down the problem.  What you are seeing is the
consequence of earlier memory errors.

> But im not sure if it's a good idea to modify the guts of sqlite.. Is
> it?

SQLite is *extremely* unlikely to have a bug.  Some other piece of code
has the bug, and SQLite is the victim.  Remember that virtually every web
browser on virtually every platform is using SQLite - an error would show
up for someone.


> And then I made the second part use in line variables as opposed to
> bindings.. Ie NSString stringwithformat..

Do remember sqlite3_mprintf for that sort of thing, especially if strings
are involved to avoid sql injection attacks/bugs:


> So I deleted that row from the dbase and it works fine.. I couldn't
> find anything different on that row..

Memory allocators typically have buckets for different sized allocations
often in powers of two.  It could be that row had a string needing 33
bytes while others needed less which then caused memory to come out of a
different bucket which then changes where the victim of the actual bug
shows up.

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