Would anyone know how to use SQLITE to calculate the streakedness of data?
The definition of streakedness is how many deviations away from the
mean(i.e running average a numerical data streak is Thank you for your help.

A variable R can be used to indicate how many deviations away from the mean
a particular streak is. According to the disclosed embodiment, the level of
a streak can be defined not just in (integer*deviation) distances from the
mean but also as (integer*fraction_of_deviation) distances. To accomplish
this, a variable R-factor can be used. The R-factor indicates the
separation between two successive R-levels in terms of a fraction of the
deviation. By varying the R-factor, streaks can be ranked as required.
However, the "credibility" of the streak should also be considered, and
included in a ranking mechanism. The deviation within the streak is an
obvious measure of how staggered the data is within the streak. A good
streak should be less staggered, or in other words, have less deviation.
For this reason, a very high level streak is considered to be good, even if
its deviation is more than what would normally be desired. Thus, while the
level R influences the ranking positively, the deviation within the streak
influences it negatively.
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