
Don't really understand your question. Should be no problem to calculate anything once. Just write your algorithm. The problem comes in when you try to calculate it for a set of data. SQLite like MySQL doesn't have SQL 2003/2008 Window Functions. Oracle recently stated they will not be adding Window Functions to MySQL. That leaves just Oracle, DB2, and PostgreSQL for Window Functions. I often access my SQLite data from the GNU R programming language using the RSQLite package. In R you can also slice and dice your data but it's not as easy as SQL. R is the best for Statistics. Then, you can write back to the database using UPDATE or INSERT.

Here's an example from "Demo_R_to_SQLite.R"
# Load Libraries
require(DBI)                   # for database
require(RSQLite)            # for database

# Connect to Database
drv <- dbDriver("SQLite")
my_sqlite_ex1_RW <- dbConnect(drv, dbname = "my_sqlite_ex1.db", flags=SQLITE_RW) my_sqlite_ex2_RO <- dbConnect(drv, dbname = "my_sqlite_ex2.db", flags=SQLITE_RO) # Do something --> SQL queries (it's simple to make SQL calls) --> check the documentation
Joe Fisher
Oregon State University

Would anyone know how to use SQLITE to calculate the streakedness of data?
The definition of streakedness is how many deviations away from the
mean(i.e running average a numerical data streak is Thank you for your help.

A variable R can be used to indicate how many deviations away from the mean
a particular streak is. According to the disclosed embodiment, the level of
a streak can be defined not just in (integer*deviation) distances from the
mean but also as (integer*fraction_of_deviation) distances. To accomplish
this, a variable R-factor can be used. The R-factor indicates the
separation between two successive R-levels in terms of a fraction of the
deviation. By varying the R-factor, streaks can be ranked as required.
However, the "credibility" of the streak should also be considered, and
included in a ranking mechanism. The deviation within the streak is an
obvious measure of how staggered the data is within the streak. A good
streak should be less staggered, or in other words, have less deviation.
For this reason, a very high level streak is considered to be good, even if
its deviation is more than what would normally be desired. Thus, while the
level R influences the ranking positively, the deviation within the streak
influences it negatively.

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