On Tue, 19 Feb 2013 05:37:38 -0800
Frank Chang <frankchan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Would anyone know how to use Sqlite to calculate the streakedness of
> data? The definition of streakedness is show below. Thank you for
> your help.
> [EDIT] From our company's chief software architect, here is the
> requirement for a statistical measure. Could someone please define a
> statistical formula based onour architect's definition of data
> streakedness? -- February 19th 2013 8:45 AM

One way to go about this is to ask your architect the criteria by which
cases A-F were sorted.  IOW, what is the definition of "less than"?  It
seems to be:

0.  non-streak has length zero
1.  longest streak wins
2.  if tied for longest streak, more instances of longest rank wins
3.  if tied for #2, repeat (1,2) with next longest streak

But is that true? It seems like you might be measuring serial
correlation, for which you could conventionally use e.g.

To use something like your "streakedness" (not
streakiness?) measure is very difficult without some math
functions that SQLite doesn't have.  Essentially, you want

        sum( N * R^S )


        R is the longest possible streak
        "^" is exponentiation
        S is the streak size
        N is the number of streaks of length S

Using this table

select name, N, streak from cases;
name        N           streak    
----------  ----------  ----------
A           1           13        
B           1           7         
B           1           6         
C           1           7         
C           1           6         
D           1           7         
D           1           3         
D           1           2         
E           1           7         
E           1           3         
F           1           7         

in SQL Server, the query would be:

select name
        , sum( N * power(biggest, streak) ) as rank 
from cases 
cross join (
        select 1.0*max(streak) as biggest 
        from cases
) as A 
group by name 
order by rank desc; 
name rank                                     
 ---- -----------------------------------------
 A                            302875106592253.0
 B                                   67575326.0
 C                                   67575326.0
 D                                   62750883.0
 E                                   62750714.0
 F                                   62748517.0

Without the power() function, you'd need a table of all possible values
of R^S, then
        select name, sum(N * p.value) as rank
        from cases 
        join powers as p
        on cases.streak = p.S
        where p.R = (
                select 1.0*max(streak) as biggest 
                from cases
        group by name, order by rank desc;

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