Have you set a SQLite timeout of a few seconds ?  See here:


I was expecting to get SQLITE_BUSY and nothing else.

If the _BUSY state lasts for longer than the timeout you've set, then you'll get _IOERR. Setting a long timeout gives the software longer to deal with the busy condition quietly before concluding that something has locked up the databases longer than reasonable.

This explanation doesn't fit for a number of reasons.

- I've observed this problem using both the native Python sqlite3 library and apsw, and the native library sets a default timeout of 5s, and there's nothing that takes remotely that long in my example.

- The documentation referenced above says that SQLITE_BUSY will be returned if the timeout is exceeded, and I do in fact occasionally receive such return codes (when using apsw, which has no default timeout). The condition under which SQLITE_IOERR_BLOCKED might be returned (I'm referring to <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/busy_handler.html > here) would seem applicable only to the process trying to commit, but as my log showed, it's the process trying to begin a transaction that is receiving the error code.

- In any case, I'm receiving SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK, not SQLITE_IOERR_BLOCKED.

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