On 2/26/2013 9:27 AM, mike.akers wrote:
Yes I believe so. For my UPDATES, currently (things have moved around quite a
bit for me trying to solve this)

sqlite3_exec(this->hDBC_, "BEGIN EXCLUSIVE TRANSACTION;", NULL, NULL, 0);

sqlite3_prepare_v2(this->hDBC_, updateStatement, -1, &this->hStmt_, 0);

sqlite3_bind_blob(this->hStmt_, 1, blob, blobSize, SQLITE_STATIC);


sqlite3_exec(this->hDBC_, "END TRANSACTION;", NULL, NULL, 0);


The last two lines should go the other way round. Finalize (or at least reset) the statement first, then commit the transaction. The statement is considered "active" after step until it's reset or finalized. Your END TRANSACTION statement actually fails, leaving the transaction open.
Igor Tandetnik

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