On Wed, 27 Feb 2013 18:28:03 -0500
f...@cetussoft.com wrote:

> OK, how does one pronounce "SQLite"? "see-kwel-lite"? "ess-kyoo-lite"?
> "ess-kyoo-ell-lite"? "see-kwel-ite"? "ess-kyoo-ell-ite"? Or...?

I was going to answer S-Q-L-lite because it's definitely "S-Q-L", but I
admit to saying "sequelite" because it's easier to say.  

Then I had to ask myself on whose say-so is "S-Q-L" correct, in any
sense?  I found this:


I occurs to me that SQL came from IBM, an organization fond of
acronymns.  If you lived in the land of SNA, LU6.2, CICS, MVS, and
IMS, you would probably pronounce it S-Q-L.  (Although I knew
Englishmen who called CICS "kicks".)    

> Gee, "see-plus-plus", "emm-eff-see", and "boost" (etc.) are all a lot
> easier (to pronounce, anyway - <grin>).

Sure, but how do you say "strstr(3)"?  ;-)

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