On 05 Mar 2013 at 15:05, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote: 

> Both implementations allow for reading just the prefix of the content blob
> in order to access earlier fields of a table, leaving the tail of the blob
> unread on disk.  So in all cases, it pays to put your frequently accessed
> small fields early in your table, and your infrequently accessed
> multi-megabyte BLOB columns at the end of the table.  That way you won't
> have to read over a multi-megabyte BLOB just to get at the BOOLEAN value at
> the end.

This was interesting to read, and may result in me reordering some tables I 
have. But suppose one of my fields early in the tables is an integer whose 
value, so far, fits in 16 bits (say). What happens if a value in one row grows 
to require 24 or 32 bits to represent. Does that column get moved to the end of 
the row, past my large blobs?

Cheers  --  Tim
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