I would agree that no warning is needed for for columns that don't state any affinity, or for a non-affinity FK that refers to some PK with affinity.

I tend to agree with OP that an explicitly text foreign key referring to an explicitly int primary key is probably worth a warning (perhaps from the hypothetical "lint mode" that surfaces now and then), since it's pretty likely that a user who took the trouble to specify affinities for both PK and FK probably made a mistake if the types are different. Sure, some record might override affinity and store 'abc' as its "int" primary key, but even if your app relies on that behavior, an "int" foreign key would be harmless for the same reason.

Off topic, I'd love a way to request strong typing for a column (so that attempts to store 'abc' into an int column would fail). You can emulate it with a pair of before/update triggers (select raise(...) where typeof(intcol)!='integer'), but that's clunky. Oh well... in retrospect, most of the times I've been bitten by type mismatches were probably either due to this bug or (more likely) due to my not specifying any affinity at all and then being surprised when 1 != '1'.


On 06/03/2013 7:23 AM, Stephen Chrzanowski wrote:
SQLite doesn't care what kind of data type you are using, so, no, it
shouldn't throw an error.  The logic of this database engine is that you
will always be comparing apples to apples, regardless if one happens to be

On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 4:50 AM, Tom Matrix <ratomat...@gmail.com> wrote:

Richard Hipp <drh@...> writes:

On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 2:48 PM, Tom Matrix <ratomatrix@...> wrote:

I’ve encountered a problem, which is hardly reproducable on arbitrary
databases, therefore I attached one.

A simple, reproducible test case for (what we think is) your problem can
seen in this ticket:


This bug has been latent in SQLite for almost four years and you are the
first to hit it.  Probably this is because not many applications contain
A=B in the WHERE clause where A is a text expression and B is an integer
expression.  You can probably work around the problem by changing your
schema so that entries.measurementid is an integer rather than text.
does not excuse SQLite:  It is still getting the wrong answer and needs
be fixed.  We are working on a fix now.  But a simple change to your
will work around the problem and get you going even before that fix is
Very good example, thank you! It really solved my problem. Nevertheless, I
I don't have to mention that entries.measurementid must have been an
and this bug must be fixed in our schema, too.

My only remaining concern is, however: Should not SQLite give an error (or
least a warning) in cases where a foreign key constraint refers to a
data type?

Thanks again,

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