On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 4:41 PM, Michael Black <mdblac...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I think many people would tell you not to store your images in your
> database.
> Just store a filepath to them.
> That will speed things up quite a bit and even possibly prevent having to
> use an SSD.
> With the filepath your processing apps can use file locking too if you need
> it.

Lots of people think this.  But experiments suggest otherwise, depending on
the size of your images.

For BLOBs smaller than about 100KB, it is actually faster to read them out
of an SQLite database than it is out of a file.  Presumably the extra
overhead of the open/close is what makes the difference.  For BLOBs larger
than 100KB it is faster to store them in a file.  That's for reading - I've
never run the experiment for writing.  Note also that the 100KB is highly
operating-system and file-system and storage-media dependent and so your
mileage may vary.

D. Richard Hipp
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