On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 11:02 PM, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:

> On 15 Apr 2013, at 9:47pm, ven...@intouchmi.com wrote:
> > My software was not locked up totally.  It did finally come back.  For
> some reason executing analyze slow other queries way down.
> I am surprised by anyone reporting that ANALYZE has substancially slowed
> down any operation.  Please excuse me because I have trouble understanding
> English sometimes.  Can you verify for us:
> A) The slow-down you're talking about.  Are you saying that other
> operations ran slowly while you were doing ANALYZE, or that the SELECTs ran
> more slowly after the ANALYZE than they did before it ?

Perhaps you can share the sqlite_stat1 and sqlite_stat3 tables generated by
You could perhaps also manually decompose your slow query, adding one join
at a time.
You also never shared actual timings in SQLite or the equivalent timings in
MS ACCESS. Are we talking seconds or milliseconds?

Just curious. --DD
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