On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 4:28 PM, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

> ...implemented file-system semantics on top of SQLite.  I propose an API
> something like this:
>   SQLFILE *sqlite3fs_fopen(const char *zPath, const char *zMode);

For anyone wanting to take that (admittedly large) step, i have a working
"embedded filesystem" library which essentially does what is described
here. It is not backed by an sqlite3 db (but by an abstract i/o device
interface), but it could be used as a basis for creating such an
sqlite-backed beast:


If anyone reading this wants to undertake such a project, I can provide you
> with technical advice, website space with a suitable domain name (ex:
> filesystem.sqlite.org), and a Fossil repository to keep the code in.



----- stephan beal
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