On 2 May 2013, at 10:16am, "Jan Slodicka" <j...@resco.net> wrote:

> I was testing various ways how to interrupt rebuilding of an FTS index.
> Ability to abort is vital as the app is running on a smartphone and has to
> meet responsivity requirements.

Sorry, I don't know an answer to your question, but I do have an observation.

I have much love for FTS but it chews up storage space, processing power, and 
therefore battery life, something fierce.  You may end up with a working app 
but your users will find it reduces their battery life to an hour.

Do you really need to /build/ an FTS database on a phone app ?  Can you not (A) 
do what you want to do with GLOB and LIKE or (B) build the database externally 
before it's moved to the phone ?

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