On Sun, May 12, 2013 at 7:55 AM, Tomasz Pawlak <
tomasz.paw...@cs.put.poznan.pl> wrote:

> So, type of '1' is 'text'.
> * If one operand has INTEGER, REAL or NUMERIC affinity and the other
> operand as TEXT or NONE affinity then NUMERIC affinity is applied to other
> operand. "
> So, if we compare 1 with '1'  (e.g. 1='1'), '1' should be converted to
> numeric, right?

No.  '1' has type 'text' but it has no affinity at all.  Likewise 1 has
type 'integer' but no affinity.  So no conversions take place, and the
answer is FALSE.

Affinity is only associated with table columns.  Literals never have

D. Richard Hipp
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