DevTeam wrote:
> Next I downloaded and ran the binscope.exe utility against just the 
> System.Data.Sqlite.dll file to isolate the test to just this file and 
> received the same result - Failed checks - the assembly has 
> AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute (APTCA).

The use of this attribute by System.Data.SQLite appears to date back to
at least version, released in 2006.

I'm not aware of the original intent when this attribute was added.

Furthermore, this is the first time I've even heard it mentioned.

> I would like to be able to better understand and eliminate this 
> warning/failure if possible, but not sure how best to proceed.  Any 
> assistance or advice would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance. 

The warning deals with assemblies that are not "fully trusted" being able
to use System.Data.SQLite.

In theory, this could pose a problem:  If you actually intend to use
partially trusted assemblies -OR- if you intend to install the
System.Data.SQLite assemblies into a shared location on the machine,
such as the GAC.

Perhaps the attribute should be removed from System.Data.SQLite?  I'm not

Joe Mistachkin

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